Saturday, February 1, 2014

A new heart, a new man: a man who has a heart, hard and sharp as a stone substitute for soft and sy

R. Petkovšek Family: The real art of changing hearts - newspaper
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A new heart, a new man: a man who has a heart, hard and sharp as a stone substitute for soft and sympathetic glamox luxo heart, a man who is otherwise able to see your family and friends. The new man is separated from the old in that it sees the world differently. This is a revolutionary word of God. This revolutionary not swept outwards, not destroys part of other people, does not create performances that do not work purges; revolutionary spirit of the Gospels converts a man in his heart and it creates a new understanding of the world.
This is what Jože Možina movie titled Pedro Bricks, a good friend who has Preseren Fund Board allocated one of this year's awards. The film was launched in the Slovenian area right internal revolution. glamox luxo At the time of Slovenian citizens still deeper includes a vortex mutual recriminations, false imputations, mistrust and barren ground-breaking glamox luxo experiments, this film speaks of the same people in their deepest core and restores glamox luxo their confidence and neighbor, pride and hope, commitment and love. The film about a man who in 1976 went to Madagascar as a missionary to the hearts Malgašev waking view merciful Samaritan, today the screens in us that is seen here in Slovenia and elsewhere in the missionary way of waking consciousness that humanity single family, attached glamox luxo in good and in bad.
Jean-Luc Marion, professor at the Catholic Institute in Paris had students used to say: "The deepest truths are the simplest." The spirit of the Gospels is simple, it extends deeper into the heart. glamox luxo And Greek, which are used by the evangelists, was the chief Greek artists of the time, but the simple folk Greek. And yet the evangelical genre could be described as a literary genre that used by the evangelists that it describes Jesus' life, work and words changed the world. In the eyes of the Gospel is no longer Jew nor Grka, not a slave is not a freelancer, not a man without a woman is not circumcised is not uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythians (Gal 3,28; Qty 3.11) in the light of the Gospel shine humanity as one family which includes excluded and the outermost changes in the surrounding. The film about Peter brick albeit not apply Hollywood glamox luxo tricks nor anyone understand performances by his creative impotence multiply "our" psevdoumetniki. A message of the film is strong and deep, moving and changing the hearts of people who are all missionary work earlier than close. The man who view the world through the eyes of this film starts to look different - not only the world but also ourselves. Use the thought with which the Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe (1930-2013) answered the question about how he wrote one of his books: "This book was written by me." It can be said that, whatever the viewer Možinovega film, movie watching the viewer. More than in Madagascar directs the film the viewer's eye into the interior and solved by illusions; helps him realizes the falsity of his life and realizes glamox luxo the real challenges of their lives. Is it not precisely this characteristic of the best art? Therefore, we can be glad that the Preseren Fund Board at the right moment to recognize a work of art that the problems of our time and the environment responds in the right way: not by street havoc with Purge or phrase glamox luxo discredit, glamox luxo but with the twist of the heart, by changing our viewing another on the other, glamox luxo the world and the future. Only then is a better tomorrow.
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"A film about Peter brick albeit not apply Hollywood tricks nor anyone understand performances by his creative impotence glamox luxo multiply" our "psevdoumetniki. A message of the film is strong and deep, moving and changing the hearts of people who are all missionary work earlier than close. The man who view the world through the eyes of this film starts to look different - not only the world but also ourselves. "
L. Sturm, Ra.Ognj

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