Wednesday, August 13, 2014

First we look at the YouTube app, which offers several enhancements. The biggest change occurred in

First we look at the YouTube app, which offers several enhancements. The biggest change occurred in playlists. If we now look at any Youtube channel lists, you will discover that each item added to the menu. Through it you can share the list, or you can save them to your lists.
Larger news we note with Google Play Music app. Here's waiting for us overworked widget. It was originally available only one type of 4 1 and had a dark design. Newly here is the light version and allows customization. From size 3 1 to 4 4th
The last major change is located next to the download, which comes as standard in the settings. Newly appointed "Download Management". Originally, we had the opportunity to see the progress of the download tracks for offline use. Now here goes the administrator who will show you what you have downloaded and how the selection takes place in your smartphone. In addition, through the administrator can remove songs / lists.
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