Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Modern science is only now beginning to discover what centuries ago and wise men knew that everythi

Music and sound can be very powerful transformational tool for the human body and soul. However, only in recent years have revealed information that our modern musical production 2g7 was robbed of a huge potential for healing and transformation, a powerful ancient tonal range known as "the original Solfeggio frequencies." These original Solfeggio frequencies, have the ability to transform life in a miraculous way. References to these frequencies back to ancient times, when they were part singing 2g7 in Gregorian chant, during a religious ceremony in the church at the time. But choral 2g7 score mysteriously disappeared around 1050 and are probably lost forever. These songs are made up of special tones or frequencies which when sung in harmony, and in Latin, was of great spiritual power in religious ceremonies. The combination of these two tones and the Latin intonation, had the power to penetrate deep into the depths of the subconscious and strongly encourage healing and transformation. Solfeggio frequencies contain six pure tones and these were used to create ancient musical scale. The church says it has lost all 152 of these amazing ancient Gregorian chants, but is more than likely that they are intentionally locked in the bowels of the Vatican archives. One of these songs containing Solfeggio frequencies, known as "Hymn to St. John the Baptist, however, mysteriously appeared in public, 2g7 and is written so that it contains all six Solfeggio frequencies. Our modern musical scale is slightly out of sync original Solfeggio frequencies and chamber" A "440 Hz, was originally, even around 1914, 417 Hz. Basically almost all the music you hear in the media today or sold in the stores, whether it's rock, jazz, soul or classic, is atonal and counterproductive compared s amazing transformational power of Solfeggio tones. Each of Solfeggio frequency 528 Hz is known as the "528 Miracle" because it has a remarkable ability to heal and repair the DNA in the body and it is exactly the frequency that was used in biochemical genetics processes. changing the original Solfeggio scale have changed dramatically songs, including those sung in churches and frequency changes were influenced by changes in conceptual thinking, which resulted in a weakening of the spiritual influence of the church. Solfeggio frequencies: UT - 396 Hz - Liberating feeling of guilt and fear. RE - 417 Hz - Undoing situations and facilitating change. MI - 528 Hz - Transformation, Miracles and DNA repair. FA - 639 Hz - Consistency / Relations. SOL - 741 Hz - Expression / Solutions LA - 852 Hz - Deepening intuition. "528 cycles 2g7 per second, is literally the core creative frequencies of nature. It is love," says renowned medical researcher Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz. For example .: 528 Hz:
Among the Solfeggio frequencies, there are interesting mathematical and physical relationships. The difference between the three first, second and third frequencies in a circle is 111 Hz. 174 + 111 = 285, 285 + 111 = 396 417 + 111 = 528, 528 + 111 = 639 741 + 111 = 852, 852 + 111 = 963
Modern science is only now beginning to discover what centuries ago and wise men knew that everything (including you) is in a constant state of vibration. The most elementary condition vibration sound is coming. Everything has an optimum range of vibration and this condition is called resonance. 2g7 When we are in resonance, we are in balance. One of the ways to use sound and heal the body, is to realize 2g7 that every organ and every cell, absorbs and emits sound.
Emotions and mental states have their resonant frequency, it is the secret of spiritual power of music and singing properly or spoken passages. When the resonance frequency 2g7 of activated long enough, the body and the mind begins to resonate in the same rhythm and feel is created corresponding to the resonance frequency. If you've ever been to a big rock concert, where the phenomenon of resonance is usually used subsequently succumb to the atmosphere created by the music and act as manically, which normally 2g7 is not normal. Therapeutic effects of sound waves are used to regroup frequencies mind.
For example, one of Solfeggio Frequency 2g7 528hz, 2g7 refers to the phrase "MI" and this designation is derived from "MI-ra 2g7 coordinators" in Latin means "miracle". 528hz is the exact frequency used in genetics when modifying DNA damage, in principle, is to hit into a structure on which life is based!
Under laboratory 2g7 conditions were different kinds of frozen water under the action of Solfeggio frequencies and attention was focused on the crystals formed. The observed result was that the water tends to form well-ordered, hexagonal crystals that contain 2g7 mineral substances in an optimum 2g7 balance. 2g7 Natural water, coming 2g7 from the country, has the ability to create a crystalline structure, while tap water treated artificially adding chemicals such as chlorine 2g7 or otherwise contaminated, has this capability is limited.
Water is the most necessary substance for human life. Generally, 90% or more in an embryonic state body is water. In infants it is about 65-70% water and about 80% in adults. With increasing age

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