Friday, March 13, 2015

2015 (3) January (3) 2014 (20) December (1) November (1) October (1) July (1) June

"Nothing you see is what it seems." This is smoke screens This one crop from another. Priority for us, our values, and our expectations can not be parallel to those of the other country. We have to accept we may never understand that another world like Haiti. Their story is the marrow richard ferber of their bones. Struggles led - Plasma and people. Kari in the meaning of the word Creole culture Many describe a philosophy that only native Haitian Creole can understand. So here is the Wood for Haiti, an organization that attempts to enter Haiti to the outside richard ferber with no hope of comprehending the people, the culture, and Haiti's capital. We live in a structured, where time is of the essence. We struggle with the chaos that creates democracy. It is a society where all decisions of the committee left everyone with something rather richard ferber less than anyone. Order at least society richard ferber is moving forward albeit too slowly. In Haiti, the battle richard ferber is on Governmental and societal Create something that functions out of disarray. Metaphor is the best comparative traffic in the street against any US city traffic in the streets of Port-au-Prince. In the United States, everyone understands the rules. For the most part, obey the speed limits of, according to the Law of the traffic light, stay in line, with respect to general vehicles, pedestrians and bicycles have at least have equal right way. There are occasional traffic accidents. The system works well for the US A Haitian city streets is operating disruption. There are few traffic lights, no separate line traffic. There is a pecking order in the streets (and this is just my observation that in 9 days in Haiti): 1. Truck 2) Tap-taps; 3) Large Car; 4) small cars; 5) Pedestrian. Motor scooters slalom through traffic willy-nilly. I see no traffic accidents in 9 days. This system works well for Haiti. WFH is an outsider has-beens This greeted enthusiastically by the Haitian. Objective is still years and years WFH Aliens. There is no other choice. Even with our efforts to put work and Haitian inclusively, we will always live as strangers in a foreign land. Accepting this, we always beens honest with our Haitian richard ferber counterparts and are treated with the highest respect Especially US When we came to Haiti. I read a review of the book Farewell Amy Wilentz, Manfred Voodoo: A Letter from Haiti, 'NGOs as Haitian greet dignitaries, purpose, private, mock' em like crazy. WFH, however, could icts trust and confidence of the people of Haiti and decent believe that we are seen by men as well and this is that we do not laugh in the privacy of the island. We love the people of Haiti without conditions. Even if we're being lied to, even if we are betrayed, even if we are deceiving ourselves, or, God forbid, if someone died in Haiti from WFH WFH will not give Haiti!
2015 (3) January (3) 2014 (20) December (1) November (1) October (1) July (1) June (1) May (2) April (9) March (4) 2013 (59) December (3) November (6) October (7) September (3) August richard ferber (3) July (6) June (4) May (4) April (4) March (7) February (4) January (8) Poverty resonates in the souls of softer world WFH: the right solution for the moment! In doing all this at once, nothing gets done ... As for managing the speed of business richard ferber in Haiti! Today is just like yesterday! Dominique and Radio Haiti - Part II heart beat of Jean Dominique Haiti and Radio Haiti-P ... Nothing you see is what it seems! 2012 (80) December (7) November (11) October (8) September (11) August (5) July (2) June (1) May (3) April (2) March (7) February (7) January (16) 2011 (51) December (11) November (3) October richard ferber (7) September (8) August richard ferber (18) July (4)

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