This year slow, but finally, much later than usual, summer arrived. With it, many of my fellow tesate citizens will go to the beaches to sunbathe and swim in the sea, rivers, lakes or any other place where the liquid element accumulate in sufficient quantities to allow this delicious activity.
At that time, it seemed appropriate to introduce a reflection on elemental creatures or entities that according to the tradition of all the peoples of the earth do not see, nor much less, does not mean they are not in there, half hidden, fleeing all contact with humanity too worried tesate about hurting herself tesate and incidentally, tesate destroy everything that these creatures are sure to function and take care. populate these special places. As you will see throughout this article, the overwhelmed human beings of the twentieth century
These basic water: mermaids and nymphs, have a very special story that I would like to share with you, enjoying the wonderful creations that artists of all time and of all origins have been fen of these creatures today would say great, tesate just because according to a tradition tells us we have lost the ability to perceive them.
When we get their attention, these elemental lead us to some ancient times, where the world was still a place where humans lived in full harmony with each other and their natural environment, even when the goddesses ruled the skies Earth and had not appeared and the evils of social inequality, injustice, abuse of power and all the other ills of society tesate as we know it.
In other inputs of these blocks have spoken extensively tesate of that true "golden age" or the Earthly Paradise, which speak of all cultures and traditions. Let me just recommend that:
In those ancient times human beings who practiced animism is the natural religion, which flows almost spontaneous generation of the same man's relationship with the world at large. It is the conviction that the forces that neither understands nor is able to master, are governed by "spirits" similar to his, gifted passions tesate and desire. Winds are emanations of these spirits, just as emanating from his body his own spirit. That from the bottom of the earth to the highest heavens, everything has a soul (astrology is reminiscent of this animistic conception of the universe).
And in the same way that his own spirit and their like, if you can appease altered by expiatory or propitiatory tesate sacrifices also were the spirits of nature tesate can be favorable if grown (if worships) and adjusts its behavior if it is able to interpret their laws are. And it was while they were forces of nature that he heard about the man himself.
According to ancient concepts about the formation of the cosmos, this would be constituted on the basis of a single element. This would respond to the concept of unity takes precedence over the later process of harmonization of dualities intelligible. But being an Archetype, its essence has to be, by force, one in essence. This is what Democritus publications on the atom as an indivisible tesate part of which is' seated cosmos. It is not known atom, which for half a century man decays, which talked about the ancient Greeks. What we now call atom (which literally tesate means without parts and therefore indivisible) is no more than a micromolècula integrated turn to varied items. tesate The atom is beyond the classics of what science knows today.
But the plan stated that we work and is given perceive and understand, we can say that there are four elements: Earth, Water, Air and Fire, although many scholars have added a fifth element l 'Spirit. These four form two crosses generative interpenetrated because the Earth and the air movement is horizontal tesate and the Water and Fire, vertical. Thus, the earth is fertilized by the water and air is fertilized by Fire. Of these crossings arise vital elements that are characterized by their impulse and action benefactor to man: fertility and fertility energetic material.
None of understanding how these four elements tesate Earth physics, physics Water, Air and Fire physical fitness, but as a much broader group exotèricament tesate represented by the four listed above. Also correspond to the four lower planes of Nature: Earth with the physical, the Energy Water, Air, and Fire the Psychic with Mental.
At Alchemy are the four layers that are set inside the Atanor. At the base, the salt, the middle two forms of mercury, and at the top the Sof
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