Friday, December 5, 2014

E. Illumination Light stream and can come from non-self-luminous bodies that reflect or scatter lig

E. Illumination Light stream and can come from non-self-luminous bodies that reflect or scatter light that falls on them. Therefore, a number of practical and scientific tasks necessary to know how much luminous pulsar lighting flux incident pulsar lighting on a particular part of the body. For this we introduce a physical quantity illumination. Illumination is numerically equal to the full luminous flux incident on the surface element to the area of
Where a - angle between the normal to the plane of dS, which define the illumination, i direction of light, d S n - a plane perpendicular to the flow, I - intensity point source. The unit of light energy in SI is watts per square meter (W / m'2).
Brightness V. For many lighting tasks can be considered some sources pulsar lighting point. However, the size of most sources can not be neglected. To characterize these self-luminous and nesamosvitnyh (lit by reflected light) sources put photometric brightness value in a certain direction. It characterizes the radiation luminous surface in that direction. The brightness is determined flux, which is sent in a certain direction unit apparent surface in the unit solid angle.
SvitnistR. If the light source is finite (or a glowing, luminous reflected light), the luminance source called surface density flux radiated by the surface pulsar lighting in one direction in all directions within the angle cr. If the surface pulsar lighting element dS emits (reflects) dF flow in one direction, then. For uniform luminance can be recorded. Unit of luminance in SI - lumens per square pulsar lighting meter (lm / ma). The unit of luminance energy in SI is watts per square meter (W / m2).
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