Sunday, December 7, 2014

Halogen cfl bulbs dangers lamps are also incandescent bulbs, but they use another filler - halide (

Let there be light: detail of halogen, xenon and LED | Car Portal
How sharp and chip in the age of the car and electrification least strange than bills in modern accounting. cfl bulbs dangers However, the first car during live fire is lighted path at night. We used kerosene and even candle burner. Carbide (or acetylene) lights have been better, but only with the advent of incandescent bulbs automotive world has really convenient cfl bulbs dangers and practical. As in life, in a modern car can meet almost cfl bulbs dangers all known types of electric lamps. And now it is in the automotive world are extremely serious changes. New developments, pushed as engineering and fashion trends, change the existing view of the world in the car.
The most famous and popular - so-called bulb. In their light source is a kind of fiber (mainly tungsten filament), which is under the influence of an electric current through it heats up and begins to emit light. The shape of the bulb may be different for the desired brightness and scattering. A few words of tungsten. If iron melts at 1535 operating system, the tungsten cfl bulbs dangers - with 3410 OS. Given that the filament temperature of about 2500 OS and higher credit tungsten simply invaluable. But the limit of these lamps is clearly apparent and understandable. The biggest drawback of incandescent lamps - their inefficiency. These lamps are very expensive. They produce less light than they consume energy. More than 90 percent of the energy goes to heat and 10% less directly in the world. Their efficiency increases with the power expended. For example, a 100 watt light bulb to shine much brighter than the two 50 watts. Over time, as the tungsten evaporates slowly, its walls covered with condensed vapor bulb inside the lamp and the light fades with time.
Halogen cfl bulbs dangers lamps are also incandescent bulbs, but they use another filler - halide (iodine or bromine), which connects ysparyvshyysya tungsten, rather than letting it settle on the walls of the flask. But the most interesting thing is that the more connections in contact with the hot coil split. Thus tungsten filament cfl bulbs dangers rotates, and halides - the atmosphere bulb. That is a kind of restoration thread lamp called halogen cycle. This process requires cfl bulbs dangers a temperature of about 200 oC. That is why these lamps so hot and not like moisture and fingerprints on the glass. Usually they have a double cfl bulbs dangers hull, which somewhat reduces the external temperature of the lamp and also increases the efficiency of halogen cycle.
Simple lamps have a color temperature (global characteristics of the emitted spectrum measured in Kelvin) about 2700K, and halogen - 3000K. Halogen bulbs though more difficult and expensive (if so 5-10), but also more effective. To begin with, they are 25-30% brighter than conventional incandescent bulbs. Even at the end of its "life" halogen lamp gives up to 95% of its original brightness (simple lamp - about 75%). Simple lamp "live" approximately 1000 hours, while halogen approximately 2 times longer. However, Guinness World Records says the filament that burned for more than 70 years. But not immediately say that this time it never turns off, and that's important. The process of inclusion (as in many electrical devices) - the wear and heavy lamp procedure. Better if it occurs gradually. Halogen lamps are living as much as they meted out without miracles.
It is important for the life of incandescent sustainability stress. Excess cfl bulbs dangers voltage of 4% may reduce its service life by 40%. This relationship works and back. 4% lower voltage also able to significantly increase the life of the lamp. However, its brightness and thus will be lower. In incandescent there is another disadvantage where significant in light of their automotive applications. It is a thin spiral consisting of tungsten relatively fragile. Shaking and vibration in the car are not conducive to comfortable work lamp. Although specific design solutions have allowed largely eliminate cfl bulbs dangers the risk of such damage. Despite the emergence of new, higher quality and reliable light sources, tungsten, being cheaper, retain positions that simple. There are new and their types. Main work of engineers focused on reducing the rate of evaporation of tungsten filament. The cheap lamps flask filled with a mixture of nitrogen and argon. In more expensive instead of using krypton argon, cfl bulbs dangers which has a lower thermal conductivity. Can also be used xenon, in which the figure is even lower. The use of these gases can increase the brightness cfl bulbs dangers of the lamp by 10% (krypton) or almost 2 times (xenon).
Xenon deserves special cfl bulbs dangers mention. Too much around there are rumors, gossip and cheating. To begin with, there are xenon and xenon-filled lamp. Latest - a classic representative lamps

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