Premiere: 10:03:12
The year is 1880, the Victorian era, the electrical era dawn. The first bulbs were just beginning to illuminate pier 35 the houses of the city of New York, and Dr. Gibings fascinated by the new invention - an electric vibrator to treat women suffering from hysteria. How does it work also is not sure. But his patients return to it again and again. And one man. Catherine, his wife was listening to what is happening in the next room. What's going on there? What are the voices and noises coming from there? And why are all lighting up after treatment? Catherine is determined to find out what exactly is going on there in the next room ...
Funny as it may be, successful play written by Sarah Ruhl American (and staged here by Nir Erez) based on historical truth - the first vibrators are designed to deal with women, who suffered what was described, usually by medicine, hysterical pier 35 ". The play reflects the playwright's criticism, the ongoing fear of men over the woman's sexual history and the inability of both genders communicate.
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It is clear to me: time signal poetry is the art of simplicity of expression. Simple expression, saying the first atrial expression of lyrical emotion, expression too, before she could cover up Arith silk finery gold jewelery; Msfrotiot net expression, human truths as touching, mental delectable freshly; Which has on its Lhhrt memory, accompany us in everyday life and Ron of us suddenly. This simplicity is not the expression, or [...] the life of ants / Rachel
By Maurice Sterling, Paris, 1920 His last work was Maurice Maeterlinck's complete works on-line social animals. This book, too, like the preceding years ("The Life of Bees" and termite Life ") is not only scientific research. Vegan, philosopher and poet combined to give the book its special character, special Maeterlincki magic. The book is singing praise ant, twisted darn [...] unfamiliar pier 35 Feed
Magazine Maag - Culture, pier 35 Entertainment
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