Friday, April 10, 2015

Skoda Club Ukraine forum / Avtomobіlchik / Obslugovuvannya that repair / replacement intervals Ther

Over the weekend, drove Intercity. Dark, rain, trucks, bydloksenonschiki, as usual. And just worthless head light, a feeling that the lights began to shine worse, you go and guess what "veperedi [/ align] should be dealt with." Lights soaps, stopped, shampoo + water = clean headlights. I certainly understand that tours the head light is not ice, but before such a better e8310 view. Lamps are still with interior bezvylazno since April 2008. Osram Silverlayt + 50%. Comrades, what can be done to improve the head light? ps Transplant eyes are not accepted. Skoda- waters. e8310
(29-10-2012 13:46) Yuring: Osram Silverlayt + 50%. this kind of lamps have a "property" eventually fade ... stood by me as a 'find a belt "(mine), e8310 when I was, put the first one, compared with the standard - like ... the light is brighter, whiter, etc. . but !!! What was surprising, when one year instead of the burnt Knight belt put full-time and almost did not notice the difference e8310 ... like this ... Arfografiya kang fu. Nastayaschschie mastira her biz nadabnasti no polzuyutstsa !!!
Alex9178 Povіdomlen Narrator: 145 Priєdnavsya: Oct 2012 Kiev
(29-10-2012 14:04) RRV: (29-10-2012 13:56) Alexa: even xenon eventually tarnish one every 4-5 years to change. manual warned all the lamps have a certain e8310 life declared by the manufacturer of lamps, Bulbs for this period about 500chasov (if I remember correctly)
(29-10-2012 13:46) Yuring: Comrades, what can be done to improve the head light? change the lamp new ... or J5 ps google principle of the halogen / incandescent - and you'll understand why the light dims over time in the lamps of this type ...
(29-10-2012 13:54) Lech: this kind of lamps have a "property" eventually fade ... stood by me as a 'find a belt "(mine), when I was, put the first one, compared with the standard - like ... the light is brighter, whiter, etc. but !!! What was surprising, e8310 when one year instead of the burnt Knight e8310 belt put full-time and almost did not notice the difference ... 4.5 years ago, when I bought the car and traveled a month or two, also thought that the light is not very much. In the bazaar sellers advised "reasonable alternatives" - Osram Silver .. + 50% .. Bought changed when looked that stood, it was found that the same)) .. By the way bazaar Osram lamps (both lamps in series) were burned during e8310 the 1-1.5 months. e8310 Once burned, decided not to experiment and returned, those that were included with the machine. Attention .. since proezdil already e8310 more than 4 years. Lamps still shine, not burn, but seems to have grown old, will change. Skoda- waters.
Skoda Club Ukraine forum / Avtomobіlchik / Obslugovuvannya that repair / replacement intervals There lamp head light? See related Mozhlivo those ... Thread: Author Vіdpovіdey: e8310 Pereglyadіv: Ostannє attempt to replace the fuel pump on a skoda octavia e8310 a5 sergei-1 10360 03/04/2015 13:31 Ostannє: Dimonn Cleaning headlights main light inside. romeo4138 17990 1/14/2015 2:11 Ostannє: Pate knock after replacing the belt and rollers for cold 1.8 T kwon 18,980 12/20/2014 8:57 Ostannє: alexey_babaskin eliminates errors e8310 Rs 00,361 block with their hands, without replacing Tasmanec 57 17 859 26/11/2014 e8310 15:51 Ostannє: Maxie adjustment beam headlights A5fl AndrKovalev 1337 11/19/2014 00:19 Ostannє: flusher cost of replacing the chain and tensioner 1.8 Sheff 12-11- 10 1132 2014 00:07 Ostannє: Sheff Adjustment beam height Erіk Cartman 6532 11/11/2014 11:07 Ostannє: Erіk Cartman After battery replacement windows with unobstructed keychain VVD 11548 11/10/2014 16:29 Ostannє: Demian After replacement silent blocks appeared vibration Oleg_007 4493 10/26/2014 17:18 Ostannє: Oleg_007 Light switch, prompt ulitko 2267 09/30/2014 10:54 Ostannє: ulitko
Shvidky perehіd: Viberіt odne: -------------------- Osobistі Notification Miy remote Hto on saytі Poshuk List forumіv Club - Vpershe on forumі? Todі Tobi syudi! e8310 - Club ---- Istoria podіy Club ------ ------ 2012 2013 Veresen e8310 Veresen ------ 2011 Kvіten - Їdemo in Chehіyu ------ Yubіleyny zlіt 2010 - News - Vіtaєmo odnoklubnikіv ---- On pam'yat - Club Sport Mistechko - Vinnitsa Mistechko ---- ---- Dnipropetrovs'k-AB-AE-AH Donetsk ---- ---- Zaporіzhzhya-AR - - Ivano-Frankivsk-AT-AA ---- Kiev, Kirovograd ---- AI-VA Crop Science ---- ---- Cream-BI-AK, CH-Sun Lviv ---- ---- Mykolaiv Odesa-BE-HV ---- ---- ---- BM Sumi-Kharkiv-AX-BX ---- Khmelnytsky e8310 Avtomobіlchik - Garage - Budnі that holy avtomobіlіsta ---- News - Obslugovuvannya that repairs - SRT Sertifіkovanі she Salon - The Best, shvidshe, guchnіshe - Flour Vibor Zagalna theme - Vіyna s RF - Mandri - Pobutovі supply - Yurydychna - Terevenki ---- ---- glomeruli Popіlnichka Discount programa Skoda Club Ukraine - Komertsіyna - Partners Club Kupіvlya sales - nintendo-sіry list Pereglyadayut: Gostі: 1
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