Friday, April 24, 2015

Nothing is sweeter words in the world but our native coverguard tongue, the Visayan. We developed w

Nothing is sweeter words in the world but our native coverguard tongue, the Visayan. We developed with the intention to be in our time capsule. coverguard I hope you enjoy my Bisaya. Thank you. - JUN Abines / Cebu City, Philippines
(WARNING: The story here is not seyento percent true, many of the knowledge that I have written as I read and heard. On this story in the koresyon and extra credibility for the benefit of all - Authors) PART 1 concluded only the second world war (World War 2) in the Philippines to enact allow foreigners to build companies and industries that help erection and promotion of the Philippines from extreme poverty due to the war. The Philippines is one of the most damaged in the attack and pam bobomba Japanese. Consequently, many American businessman seeds of the capital of the Philippines. One where the spouse coverguard Alvin and Christine Jacobson allowed a company to build a gigantic cut timber in over 59,000 hectares kagugabatan of Surigao del Sur in Mindanao. With a minimum capital coverguard of 6 million dollars to build the Alex Bay Logging coverguard Company Inc. or LBLCI was one of the most significant companies in the whole Philippines in fifties. A virgin forests of Surigao del Sur enter a couple of Jacobson to Protestant religion. There in the village of Alex Bay Diatagon built their operations. They dock, airport, hospital, pactorya of VENNEER, power plant, camp or housing, offices, motor pool, log pond and more. Many Filipinos from all the corners of the Philippines were given the job. During the sixty, strengthen the operation of Alex Bay. There cooperative knot workers there who they report a huge canteen where workers sold their required daily called Lecca. It was one of the most significant and most successful cooperative in all the Philippines by the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA). The Lecca is one of the cooperative model done by the gigantic cooperative until now. Happy the American owners of the company. Also enjoyed its workers. But before the end of the decade temporarily make the Philippines Law again within ten years, all companies in the business mg harvests of natural resources should be 60 porayento owned by Filipinos. Meanwhile, seventy years before the couple was ibininta Jacobson coverguard firm in a giant American corporation Georgia Pacific. The Georvia Pacific is one of the three largest logging company in the world. PART 2 There are over 800 workers there was Alex. Due to the new law requires that 60 percent of the logging company in the Philippines are Filipino must be the owner, coverguard found pasyanhan the Americans slowly give ownership of companies to their workers. Charters make the Americans a bank to hold evidence of ownership of the company will be issued to workers at the time they nag you to recover their capital. The kasundoanv was signed in Hongkong. 1969 elected Ferdinand Marcos as president of the Philippines. Friends of Ferdinand Marcos's Secretary of Alex Bay Korprasyon Atty. Roberto Sabido. Probably already smell the opportunity of President Marcos and atty. Sabido and umiksina in Alex Bay. More than 6 million dollars owned by Alex is divided into approximately 60,000 shares (shares) and each one has its estimated cost of 90 dollars. coverguard Be 60 percent or 36,000 shares (shares) was administered to 800 workers. By virtue of a contract signed by the Americans and was a Bank is transferred ownership of 60 percent or 36,000 shares of workers. But could not be given to the workers. Held first bank shares. I just give it time to recover or be paid to the American coverguard in a few puuna by dividends to earnings (net income) of companies in the coming years. Because of this problem negotiations coverguard and rebellion, had been early departure of American Alex bay. Unknown to the majority, more than ten thousand shares of the company naipangalan with Roberto, relatives and friends. 1982 the company suffered because of poor leadership of the text. Umeksina Peter Sabido, son of Roberto Sabido. Asked Peter Sabido all workers to sign a bill to give him everything he owned ayi (shares) of the company. According to him, it will need to be strong his decision as majority (majority) owners to

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