Monday, June 23, 2014

Consumers, media and politics are the effects of biologically effective light far too little oligo

Healthy light for humans is billion market
Consumers, media and politics are the effects of biologically effective light far too little oligo dx known. Therefore calls on the ZVEI makers in politics and business oligo dx to continue to support the health-promoting innovative, Human Centric Lighting 'said light technology to lift the existing potential for the company. The policy should work to ensure that this light is applied quickly, especially in hospitals, nursing homes or rehabilitation centers, but also in schools and other educational institutions.
The time change on October 27th burdened again humans and animals, they experience a small, social jet lag 'because the internal oligo dx clock can not be arbitrarily changed by adjusting the time, but is influenced by light. The effect comes from the third photoreceptor in the eye from the around the turn of the millennium discover ganglion cells. While cones and rods enable the actual vision, control these receptors due to light stimulation the hormonal balance of the body and thus its biological rhythm.
Advanced lighting should take into account the people and in support of these activities. Human Centric Lighting affects the people oligo dx about seeing oligo dx beyond. oligo dx This ranges from increased performance in adolescents, on improving the well-being of all age groups oligo dx up to stable health in old age. In addition, an improvement in the health of healing oligo dx processes is achieved. Human Centric Lighting can therefore be a significant economic factor.
The right light at the right time can be generated by varying the light color, light intensity and light distribution (direct and indirect). Only the currently taking oligo dx place in technology from conventional lighting oligo dx to LED systems enables the widespread use of appropriate energy-efficient lighting solutions.
The German light industry can play a leading role in Europe and the world because oligo dx of their technical expertise with Human Centric Lighting. The ZVEI with its member companies and the European oligo dx industry association Lighting Europe have made a market investigation with the consulting oligo dx firm AT Kearney and described the expected market development. The new market oligo dx segment will account for 2020, at least seven percent of the total European lighting market. This creates new, innovative jobs.
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