Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What distinguishes money from the sunshine? What distinguishes graves of weighing? How utterly to t

Dark thoughts of Middle-earth - Part 3 15 Juni 2014/3 Comments / in consciousness, Evolution, financial system, generation, consumption, Art, Man and Society, Philosophy, Political, Technology, World Affairs / Caillea of B. Rakow-Grebestein
What distinguishes money from the sunshine? What distinguishes graves of weighing? How utterly to true progress, as opposed to the technological progress of the witty embodied consciousness in the human form of administration? What pattern meanders like a thread of a long fuse lit by the familiar, and attended with dates, history of mankind, after her case was ready for the stage from the community of life? Where does humanity since the energy oligo calc to drive to the tip, which is made possible her through this energy? And how can the human race suffer from a lack of energy, while at the same time you put more and more energy to Auslebung oligo calc their progress available, following the delusions of a mind that extols robustness, but is itself an expression of fragility?
Creatures, plants ahead, take sunlight to directly, but can not push it on the back burner. A photon is coming and would go back if the plant is not in a position, it would be directly and convert oligo calc it into sugar, so energy temporarily put on your own account. There is always a direct relationship between the light, the plant and the order capacity of the plant, resulting ultimately oligo calc well-informed of the sugar is apparent. The plant converts oligo calc only as much light in sugar, as it is possible for her and how necessary it is for the plant so that it can exist in their immediate environment further.
This relationship is accompanied by feedback and interactions which adjust the quality of the conversion to change and, in the long run, always ensure the best possible interplay oligo calc of different factors ... in accordance with all other relationships and feedbacks of other living beings, despite increasing interference by human forms of life and their work. As the natural order of these Philharmonic feat, to maintain the HARMONY, can still succeed, despite all our intellectual monstrosities, is the topic of another article, outside this black painting four divider, be ...
Situation is quite different, however, oligo calc from the money, with money in itself is not the real problem is. Problems only arise from the ways that money can be realized, because it represents currencies, which has devised a species, while preserving all the necessary sunlight, and thus becoming possible, species used. In addition, sunlight has stood the test of time realized for life, what you can not say the money, considering the never-ending appetite of Kaputtalismus and other experiments. This is done primarily by the fact that, in contrast to the sunlight disappear, feedbacks and relationships, and money, at any time, and elsewhere, can be used by anyone, as the sunlight informed life on immediate contexts, keyword biophotons and morphogenetic field. Sunlight can be adequately compensated with money thus never, not even as a so-called alternative energy using solar cells or solar thermal.
What is quite natural for the ratio of plant and sun, is increasingly artificial in the money. oligo calc Artificial means in this respect nothing more than that new problems crop up without solving the previous problems and therefore remain this long period of time and, sometimes can as normality, accumulate, while inherently the problem is already part of the solution and so never to normalcy oligo calc can come. Therefore, no digital currency to solve the problems, which were made possible by the money itself only, on the contrary, strengthen digital currencies, such as Bitcoin, the degree of irrelevance and lack of feedback even more. For the same reason, a military alliance such as NATO, in an attempt to maintain order, the Community of NAT ürlichen O never ORDERS candle. The costs (energy demand) therefore exceed the insert (available energy), based on the linkages that to solve problems in the experiment, a nature elsewhere or otherwise, arising. It comes to the uprooting of the origins in the context of that history, which otherwise would have been for a long time to grow, as an energetic and energizing tradition depicting. Instead, increasingly become a tall tale full of truths that are only felt between the lines. Growth denotes not, humanly speaking, increasing Größerwerdung or expansion, but as the increased density of e to each other

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