Hello! Since I am a novice and do not have that experience, I would like to advise you, what color primer is best. I have researched natural granite and basalt are the 2nd primer. For now I have stopped the brown, but black is good. Waiting for your advice!
This decision must Maybe you personally get it. I personally am very aquarium having fun with black primer, but not sure if I dream to see this every day at home. Black bear light and "crashes" the whole picture, but it is spectacular. Personally, I'm brown primer.
Well I think I put a creeper astrotek to make the whole bottom as clearing, but still .. I just can not imagine how it will look, so I wonder if anyone has tried these colors, or as I said I am more brown , thanks for the reply! : 23.11.2012g astrotek 16:04 pm kiril only thing I have in my tank is TSO2. The aquarium will be 120 liter with about 100 liters of water. Plants I have not decided yet, but as I say I do not TSO2 and should astrotek take unpretentious.
Otherwise, the fish are 10-something guppies several Bushy Mouth Ancistrus several koridorasa nothing engaging PS Also can you advise me on the appropriate plant for clearing astrotek
, Read the full article for plants and lighting. Clearing in many cases is difficult to sustain. For starters, you can handle astrotek Ritchie in a network, but also wants support. With Hemiantus or Glosostigma will be harder. http://aquariumbg.com/forum/vodni-rasteniya/kakvi-rasteniya-mojem-da-gledame-pri-osvetlenie-pod-0-5-vtl/
Marsileyata is cool like a clover, but I'm astrotek still in a dilemma black or orange primer, the black will become very dark, even with the orange will be very streaky uploaded .. kiril lighting my 54 watts, even water will be about 100 + - liters, thanks for the advice guys! Finally, we will take a one to settle down: D Or have another astrotek idea to mix black and orange, but I do not know if you can get a kitschy
People you have experience in this, I'll astrotek ask you something. So my tank will be 65/35/45 (L / W / H) I calculated it 4 cm primer astrotek front and rear 7 makes average 5.5 cm, 12.5 liters primer, but how do I know how many pounds is that?
Reply # 13 -: 24.11.2012g 7:07 pm
Quote from: Adicolor in 23.11.2012g 23:11 pm People you have experience in this, I'll ask you something. So my tank will be 65/35/45 (L / W / H) I calculated it 4 cm primer front and rear 7 makes average 5.5 cm, 12.5 liters primer, but how do I know how many pounds is that?
And so I asked other works here, so I'll use this theme, but I will not make a new one. So can you put a lamp Sylvania GroLux T8 18W 60cm 8500K and an ordinary fluorescent 18W 60 cm 6500K or should I put 2 Sylvania GroLux T8 18W 60cm?
Started by Desmoria Layout and decoration 13 Replies 3475 Views 11.02.2007g astrotek 12:12 pm by vein
FAQ first article How to buy from pet coats and stones in the aquarium How can calculate how many liters is the aquarium? Dangers lurking astrotek aquarist What is this nasty zipper in my tank Aquarium with goldfish astrotek for beginners Breeding zhivorodki How to catch their fish in the aquarium astrotek quarantine tank on how to keep your fish alive and healthy, happy and beautiful? Gave my fish, what to do? Where to put the tank - think before you buy What equipment do I need How many fish can I watch on ... liter aquarium Many important articles Starting astrotek a freshwater aquarium. Feeding fish Changing water organic substances and their relationship with the algae nutrient cycles Stress is a killer astrotek is something wrong in the tank? To try to understand! Starting a freshwater aquarium: notes of a beginner! Ten mistakes beginner aquarist General questions astrotek I bought a mechanical timer, astrotek how to set it? I bought an electronic timer, how to set it? Guide for acclimatization and recovery of live rock and live sand. Do fish feel pain? How to multiply fish spawning fish compatibility of different fish species Koridorasi Astronotusat (Astronotus Ocellatus) and fish that can live with it. Top 5 animals feeding on algae in freshwater aquarium plants Propagation and care for Betta splendens pictures during pregnancy in guppies Freshwater stingrays Aquarium photography How to shoot fish Camera settings Stabilize the camera tripod astrotek How to put a picture frame with Photoshop Digital Cameras. Lenses. Sensors. Practical advice. Madness called lens How to increase the sharpness of your photos Straighten horizons DIY LED lighting for Nano Aquarium System astrotek with CO2 yeast and sugar lid lights aquarium cooling fan assembly from the computer system of CO2 extinguisher CO2 Flow reactor type 77 How to stick yourself with Aquarium Plant Aquarium Filter samp algae Means for feeding and breeding of newborn
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