Friday, June 6, 2014

Hello and welcome. And I

Hello, about a year ago I got interested in the hobby, I started sylvania grolux with a 60 gallon tank and not long after I went to a large 160 liters, I think it's time to show you today I made some pictures of the tank, which was started about 6 months sylvania grolux ago, dimensions are 80/40/50. filter is internal Fan-3, 700l / h. World with 4pcs. T8 18w.-aquaglo, aquastar, grolux i 865 CO2 the floor with a bottle of 3L. yeast and sugar to recharge every week, seeing that reduces filing. Liquid fertilizers hardly add. Change 2 times a week for 20% of water. Occupants: 9br.obiknoven neon 6pcs. red neon, neon 5br.cheren, 7pcs. rodostomus, 6 pcs. pink Denmark 5-6 shrimp, I have several zhivorodki that I pity them out left from my first aquarium. Plants: heternatera, valesneriya Nana limnofila sesiliflora, anubias nana, Java moss, 3 types kriptokorina, e.tenelos, eleoharis, kladofora, Nimfaio rubra, parichka.Tova from me, I expect your professional opinion and recommendations. sylvania grolux Greetings.
Hello and welcome. And I'm still a beginner, so my opinion is not professional, but I like my tank. You can tell that you have read and you start. Seems only for this displacement, it will be - well if you can get an external filter - on. (At least me so advised me for my aqua). Well this is my future sylvania grolux and success in the hobby.
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Started by xarax Your technique 1 Replies 1164 Views 07.03.2011 11:11 am by NO CARRIER
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