Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Preface: When I was young, I think science would benefit everyone. Science Obviously useful, is als

Preface: When I was young, I think science would benefit everyone. Science Obviously useful, is also very useful. In World War II, I was involved in the bomb manufacturing. The development of science has led to the generation of the atomic finnish design shop bomb, which is obviously an extremely serious incident finnish design shop meant: it represents the destruction of mankind. After the war, I was worried about the atomic bomb, only I do not know what will happen next, but also more not sure mankind finnish design shop will extend survival. Naturally, such a question would be raised: Science is not evil contains ingredients? This problem can be to ask: When we see science can also bring disaster, so I so loved, and whom the life science value diligently what exactly? This is what I can not avoid the issue. Think and realize that this "scientific value", you can see it as I explore this question of. Often, people put scientists should I care about a lot of social problems, in particular, to consider the impact of science on society. It seems fairly widespread belief that as long as the scientists' attention to the complex social problems, rather than all day drill in the distal branches of scientific research into the tail, then the huge success will naturally come. I think that we are very concerned about these scientists social finnish design shop problems, but we do not regard them as their full-time finnish design shop only. The reason for this is the complexity of scientific research for more than a thousand times these social problems, we are baffled, no panacea. I think that when a non-scientific thinking scientist, finnish design shop he and all the people as ignorant; when he wants to express their opinions on the non-scientific issues, he and all the same naive layman. Today I lecture "scientific value" against the subject is not a science, but a value judgment; So, I want to say is probably below bear a superficial. The first point of the value of science is well known. Scientific knowledge finnish design shop so that people finnish design shop can create a lot of product, do a lot of business. Of course, when people use science to do good things, when credit is not only attributable to the science itself, but also attributed to guide our moral choices. Scientific knowledge to give people the ability to do good or ill, it itself and does not come with instructions. This ability is clearly valuable, although it is good or bad depending on how. On the road trip to Hawaii, I learned a way to express these problems - a Buddhist temple hosting visitors talk to Buddhism, and finally parting words he said he would make the visitors never forget (I was really never forget). This is the Buddhist words of advice in Proverbs language sentence: "Everyone holds a key to open the gates of heaven, which is also the key to open the gates of hell." That being said, open the door to heaven, what worth it? We have no way to tell if a door that leads to heaven or hell, then in the hands of the keys, but a dangerous stuff. But this key and indeed have its value - without it, we can not open the gates of Paradise; without it, even if we discern a heaven and hell, it is still a loss. Such reasoning down, despite the ability of scientific knowledge which may be mistaken for a recipe for disaster, it's such a huge impact in itself is a value. Is to provide finnish design shop wisdom and love of science speculative enjoy another value. This can be from some people enjoy reading, learning, thinking finnish design shop to get, while in others from the real depth study can meet. The importance of this wisdom speculative enjoyment is often overlooked, especially those endlessly teach us to bear the social responsibility of scientists finnish design shop gentlemen. I'm certainly not saying that individuals enjoy the wisdom finnish design shop of the full value of speculative science lies. However, if the ultimate goal of our social progress is to make all kinds of people to enjoy what he wants to do, then scientists will enjoy speculative knowledge and other things of equal importance. Another one can not underestimate the value of science it has changed people's conception of the world. Due to the development of science, we can imagine today infinitely wonderful thing, stranger finnish design shop than the rich imagination of poets and dreamers million times. Imagination and natural scene to be much more clever than humans. For example, right, imagine finnish design shop the great poet laden elephant turtles finnish design shop into the sea travel; and science gives us a picture - Sky in a huge ball in rotation; on its surface, people are sucked finnish design shop magical attraction, and attachment It is in the rotation. I often think of these wonderful things, these people simply unthinkable in the past, and now scientific knowledge so that we can imagine things. Once, I was standing on the sea beach, into such a deep thought: the ebb and flow of molecules can not count their lone run far away and yet again in harmony closely whitecaps Kuang-generation-old in the eyes of ancient creatures have not yet Year after year the great tide now appears to whom, and for what? In a dead planet whom no sun enlightened life unending expanse of the universe pervaded energy tilt toward finnish design shop the ocean waves the ocean depths finnish design shop to repeat the same molecular Suddenly, the initiation of new combinations they will copy itself thus show a new scene more variable becomes greater the more the more complex organisms, DNA, proteins they dance even more magical leap oceans finnish design shop to land standing with cognitive finnish design shop atomic force curious sea to foreign substances with a curious curious me - - an atom of a universe of atoms in the universe, such as excitement, wonder and mystery, appear again and again in our research questions. Advances in knowledge always bring a deeper, more wonderful mystery, attracts us to a deeper exploration. Sometimes disappointing exploration results, but this is what is the relationship. We are always in high spirits and confident finnish design shop deep drilling down, found it impossible to imagine the wonderful and consequent deeper and more wonderful mystery. Is this not the most exciting exploration so! Admittedly, there is no scientific research had experienced people probably would not have this approximation religious feelings. Poets do not write it, the artist can not describe the wonderful feeling. finnish design shop I was very puzzled - Do they not have found our universe excited? Singer now will not bring the magic of singing wonderful science, science for people to accept or lecture, rather than being in poems and songs. This shows that we have not yet entered a scientific finnish design shop era. This silence no song one of the reasons is probably that people must know how to read sheet music to sing this music. For example, a scientific paper, "said the brain radiolabeled finnish design shop murine phosphorus reduced by half in two weeks." What does that mean? It means that the mouse brain (you, my mind also no difference) is not half of the phosphorus atoms of two weeks ago, they have been replaced. So I ask: "What is the carrier molecule conscious of it untrue what these new molecules can carry a year ago in memory of my mind, but at the time of the occurrence of molecular memory has long been replaced by a discovery like this??! I mean, this body is just a dance choreography activists into my brain, jumped a dance on the left;.! The new molecule has come in, or jump and dance exactly like yesterday - they can remember the times we will read the newspaper to the words: "Scientists believe that the findings for the treatment of cancer is very important ......" finnish design shop Look, this is reported to focus only on those items found at nothing to take advantage of it, and completely put aside its own. And in fact it is a sense of how wonderful ah Occasionally, finnish design shop a child will actually realize that sense;! At this point, a scientist seedling emergence, when they go to college if we teach them this, it's too late. We must teach children starting from now, I'll talk about a third of the value of science - it is slightly somewhat indirect, but it is not far-fetched to scientists all day experience is ignorance, doubt, uncertainty, and this experience is. Importantly, when scientists do not know the answer, he is ignorant; probably finnish design shop had in mind when he speculated that he is uncertain; even when he has a full grasp, he will always leave room for doubt recognize their own. ignorance, leaving room for doubt, both are essential for any development of scientific knowledge itself is a collection of different levels of confidence: some fundamental uncertainty, finnish design shop some relatively finnish design shop OK, but nothing is completely determined scientists accustomed to these situations, they naturally due to uncertainty and doubt, but admit ignorance, but I think most people do not understand that. In the history of science and autocratic authority had repeated struggles only gradually We question the freedom won. That's how hard a protracted battle ah! it finally allows us to ask questions, you can question, you can not sure we should never forget history, so that the loss of a lot of hard struggle to freedom It is our responsibility to the community of scientists large human potential, finnish design shop the achievement of the small, it is too depressed to think of it, always felt that human ancestors dream of a better future in the Nightmare;.. We (it was their future) then some have seen their dreams come true, but it is still mostly a dream, as in the past. Some people say that education is not universal human reason can not front row. But do universal education, and all the people can become Voltaire finnish design shop it is equally bad and the good that can be taught;?. Education also has a tremendous ability to increasingly becoming good or evil of another dream is the full exchange between countries will increase mutual understanding, but a communication tool Yes that can be manipulated so to say the exchange can be both true, it can be a lie exchanges have increasingly good and evil double chemotaxis finnish design shop applied science may be able to solve people's material needs, medicine can control the disease. - looks ? finally perfect it can be chosen to manufacture a lot of people dedicated to horrible poisons, bacteria, to prepare for chemical and biological warfare almost no one likes war, peace is the dream of mankind - people as possible to develop their potential. finnish design shop Maybe people can find peace in the future also could be bad. Maybe the era of peace and tired of people failing to challenge unbearable, so all day long swig forever, and trashed people do not realize their potential and succeed. Peace is obviously a lot of power, as rigorous, materials development, communication, education, honesty and ancestors dreams. Compared with our ancestors, we do progress, there is more capability. Compared finnish design shop with us to success, achieved pales. Why not? Why we can not defeat them? Because we found that enormous potential and strength and not with instructions how to use them. For example, the more understanding of the physical world, the more people think the world is really no sense to speak of purpose. Science and unable to do good or to do evil guidance. Throughout history, people have been in exploring the meaning of life. They think: If there is some kind of meaning and direction to guide the people of the great potential will be fully realized. With so many elaborate on the meaning of life and teachings. These each have their own distinct finnish design shop doctrines believers, and believers in a particular doctrine finnish design shop always with horror treat the rest doctrine believers. This fear comes from faith incompatible, resulting in a good starting point for both the original import of a dead end. In fact, it was a huge mistake from these historical mistakes made in beliefs, philosophical thinkers slowly discovered the infinite capacity of human beauty. People dream can find a thoroughfare. So, these what is the point? How do we unlock the mystery of existence it? If you put all be considered - not just know their ancestors, but they do not know and we know today - then I think we must frankly admit that we still know very little of. However, just as we recognize this, we began to find a thoroughfare. This is not a new concept, it is the idea of the age of reason, it is also guided finnish design shop the founding fathers created the democracy we enjoy today. Because I believe that no one knows how to manage absolute government, we have such a system to ensure the development of new ideas can be generated, is to try to use, and abandoned when necessary; so they can update the idea of reincarnation run. This is - kind of try - correction of a systematic approach. Establishment finnish design shop of such a systems approach, precisely because in the 18th century, science has successfully demonstrated its feasibility. At that time, people have realized that social concerns: the possibility of holding a variety of open-mindedness will bring opportunities; questioning and critical discussion is to explore the unknown, if we want to solve previously unsolved problems, then we must do to the door opening leading finnish design shop to the unknown. Humanity is still in the initial finnish design shop stage, we encounter various problems is not surprising. Fortunately, there are tens of thousands of years coming. Our responsibility is to learn can learn, for which can explore a better finnish design shop way, and to the next generation. finnish design shop Our responsibility is to the future of the people do not have one pair of hands bound freedom. Reckless impulses finnish design shop of adolescence in humans, finnish design shop people often will create a huge mistake which led to long-term stagnation. If we think for many of the problems have been aware of the answer, young and ignorant we will make such a mistake. If we suppress criticism, not allowed to discuss, loudly declared, "Behold, my fellow Americans, this is the correct answer, human beings are saved!" We are bound to limit the authority finnish design shop of the shackles of humanity and imagination finnish design shop among existing. Such errors are common in history. As scientists, we know that great progress stems from ignorance, as derived from the freedom of thought. So it is our responsibility - to promote the value of freedom of thought, do not be afraid to question and educate people should welcome it, discuss it, and uncompromising has insisted that freedom - this is our future generations are owed responsibility. ORIGINAL: "Why do you care about how others think? "Author: Richard Feynman, translator: Jane Lee Shen / Xu Yang, China Social Sciences Press, 1999 http: //book.douban.c om / subject / 1053174 /
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